Tonight was interesting. I spent an hour and half in complete darkness on the moors. It was very cold, but I had a rug and coat and ePHOTOzine hat to warm me up.
Why? To photograph my first proper star trail…and it’s going to be addictive. I used the Olympus EP-2 as the Pentax K20D is not fast enough at processing. You need to shoot 30-60sec exposures in succession. The K20D needs time to process between shots. The Olympus allows an instant shot after shot. I had to manually focus and it was near on impossible, but I managed. I don’t have a remote timer for the Olympus so I just sat and waited for 60 seconds for each shot and repressed the shutter. I took 66 shots.
When I got home I first created an animation in Photoshop, and then created this star trail using an action to speed things up. I’m pleased with the result.
The animation below has loads of aircraft passing through the shot, but these have been missed off in the image stack.