A night at Laghetto di Villa Ada, Rome to see Jose Gonzales. Excellent gig, nightmare of a journey though. I’d read up how to get there by bus from the apartment in central Rome…which according to the web site was from a bus stop two streets away to take me to the park gates. When trying to buy a ticket I was told that there were no buses, so I grabbed a cab. The driver gave a card and said call him at the end and he’d come and pick me up.
He never came, and there were no buses. After several calls for cabs and none turning up (due I guess to the fact there was no fixed address to come to) it was looking like a night on a park bench or a very long walk! Fortunately after much persistence I finally got a cab turn up and take me back.
But back to the Gig. The venue was lovely a park on the outskirts of Rome, with several craft shops around the side of the stage selling interesting jewellery etc. And food stalls. Had a hamburger…and then the stage open air and a lovely Italian evening. Was great to be immersed in a crowd of happy Italians, all enjoying the ambience. Jose played a great set…simple light show, to go with the delicate music. Wonderful!