A very exciting two months for the Mein Glas Fabrik project, involving myself and Mark Holmes of siiiii, that got hardly any exposure in the Sheffield fanzines back in the day. First we had an appearance on Dreams To Fill The Vacuum – a 4xcd compilation from Cherry Red – that was 6radio record of the week and then news of inclusion in a Vinyl boxed set from Vinyl on Demand Records in Germany. We had to turn down a further offer of a limited run vinyl with another record co that came days later.
Frank from Vinyl on Demand posted
I am super-happy to just have agreed on a 2Lp Release next year with another Sheffield treasure / Band called
300 cps part of British Cassette Culture Vol.2 Box and 200 as Stand Alone ReleaseMein GlasFabrik are Peter Bargh on Keyboards, Percussion Electronica Radio and Mark Holmes on Guitar, Percussion Electronica Treatments.
They released 2 Tapes in 1981/82 in a very limited amount called Exotic Percussion and Death T.V. both on their own label called Incidental Music (IM 001 / IM 002)After the Two Daughters release this year this is the next of those hidden treasure-releases that screams to be re-released.
Sometimes I think there will be a ‘Day N’ coming up in which nothing can excite me anymore but then I listen to certain tapes as those two by Mein GlasFabrik and they just suck me into the reel music and just blow your mind and you have to do a release-deal.
Therefore I think ‘Day N’ will never come