Nikon Europe arranged a product launch inĀ Stockholm, Sweden for the pro spec F5
We flew from London to Stockholm on BA 107 . I was in Seat 17D.
We stayed in the Grand Hotel which is a luxurious five star hotel right on the waterfront.
Part of the trip included a boat trip to one of the many Islands
We ended up in a nightclub in Stockholm…and that was the night of the legendary fiiish! We even got in Panorama trade magazine (see pic right)
Oh and the 36 frame test that Martyn and I did which gave Simon something to worry about as he considered what the Japanese might have been thinking about the UK press. We were simply proving a point. No matter how fast the camera was it couldn’t keep up with us pulling faces.
Simon Coleman, Jeremy Gilbert
Peter Bargh, Roger Payne, Martyn Moore, Eileen Martin, Steve Bavister