Photo365 – Day 209 – reading the poppy seeds

A bearded bloke is going to cross my path… I started taking photos with the poppy head attached to the stalk with the sky behind…using…

Photo365 – Day 208 – Lavender

A typical summer garden shot of lavender, taken with the Pentax K-5 and 100mm macro lens.

Photo365 – Day 207 – Jacket potato

I nipped over to see David (discreetphoton) at Costco in Sheffield where his camera club was holding an exhibition. On the way out I decided…

Photo365 – Day 206 – Apple

My first real computer was an Apple Mac Classic. It had a 40Mb hard disk and 1Mb RAM. You had to go to weird shops…

Photo365 – Day 205 – toll

Currently spending time travelling back and forward on a road with a toll bridge. This man sits in a box several hours each day collecting…

Photo365 – Day 204 – shadowman

A self portrait of sorts. I was in a room and noticed a reflection from a mirror hitting the wall and creating a rainbow shaped…

Photo365 – Day 203 – Brew …ery

A close up of bubbles in a beer bottle. I purposely cropped tight on the word brew and shook the bubbles around until they uncovered…

Photo365 – Day 202 – the guitar

A close up of the guitar shot at a similar angle to yesterday’s keyboard using the iphone and Hipstamatic.

Photo365 – Day 201 – the synth

A close up of my Roland Synth taken with the iPhone and Hipstamatic – time to create some new material for a solo project I’m…

Photo365 – Day 200 – new beginnings

Building commences on a new cinema for Worksop. Taken with the iphone and Hipstamatic.