Building an Igloo

I decided this year I will try to do as many new things as I can. I’ve made a list of places in the UK…

Stopped for taking photo on a bridge

Yes that’s right last night I was out in the dark taking a photo from a bridge running over a dual carriage way and I…

One year on…

This is my thinking aloud. It would probably be best kept internal, but it helps to put it down on paper so to speak. And…

Floatation tank

Used voucher Karen had bought me for my birthday for an hour in a floatation tank in Lincolnshire

Will Cheung joins us

William Cheung joined Magezine Publishing as Editorial consultant

New model Chloe Bleackley proves to be a little star

I recently over heard my cardiac nurse saying “she wants to be a model” and couldn’t help push my nose in.  I soon found  out…

I’m on my own

My Cardiac Rehab exercise sessions are now over, I’ve been refereed to the local gym and I’m on my own. The sessions helped me understand…

Chloe Bleackley

Photo shoot with up and coming model Chloe Bleackley at the Turbine


I went to my first game in years… Sheffield Wednesday vs Nottingham Forest.  An average game of, as they say, two halves…both with little action…

Fred and Margaret

Lunch with Fred and Margaret Bargh at the Red Lion in Todwick