Olympus C-840L Digital Camera Launch

The Olympus C-840L was launched at the Bluebird (Private Dining room), Kings Road  London, England. As part of the event a Helicopter flight over London…

Nikon F5 launch – Stockholm

Nikon Europe arranged a product launch in  Stockholm, Sweden for the pro spec F5 We flew from London to Stockholm on BA 107 . I…

Samsung European Conference 2000 – Nice

Up at 4.00am to go on Samsung ‘s 2000 European Conference centred around the launch of the Samsung Digimax 210SE. We flew over on BA349…

Camera collector’s fair

Collectors Fair in London sold £800 worth of stuff On the way back called at the galleria and saw American Beauty


Day in Dovedale followed by evening curry. William tries to get Katie’s top off

UEFA Champions League – Chelsea vs Lazio

Canon took us to Stamford Bridge to watch the UEFA Champions League Chelsea vs Lazio and dinner at the Regency Hotel – which was nice!…