Photo365 – Day 29 – McFlurry

My daily Photo365 is a fast photo of fast food – A limited edition Lion Bar McFlurry. The photo is as creative as the ice…

Photo365 – Day 28 – Twilight

I’ll be taking an Olympus EP2 camera with me more often on my daily walk. It’s small enough to fit in a coat pocket and…

Photo365 – Day 27 – Glint of the future

The old Worksop library closed a few months back when the new two story modern one was opened. It cost 8.4m to build and has…

Photo365 – Day 26 – An aspirin a day

I’ve never been one for routines, but I’m now forced into one… daily medication. In one way it’s frustrating, in another it’s critical..well that’s what…

Photo365 – Day 25 – A cracking lens!

I’ve been out on a meeting today and the time didn’t allow me to take any pictures during the day but I am in the…

Photo365 – Day 24 – The Splodge

My colleague Nik asked me this morning if I had any photos of droplets – the type you take with a subject behind and focus…

Photo365 – Day 23 – Highland Cow

Probably my favourite photo from my Photo365 series so far. Almost like a present following the heavy week I’ve had. It’s a Highland cow taken…

Photo365 – Day 22 – Waterfall on the River Wye

This was taken today on a trip out to Bakewell with the new Tamron 18-270mm AF lens. It’s a close up shot at the 85mm…

Photo365 – Day 21 – Frosty Leaf

Today has been manic…just realised I hadn’t uploaded my daily pic. This was taken minutes after I got up and minutes before breakfast…what followed was…

Photo365 -Day 20 Egg & Forks

I’ve seen this shot a few times and decided to have a go myself. Usually the forks are the other way up so I have…